
Showing posts from October, 2019

Things to look for before choosing an Octagonal Pole Manufacturer

Street light poles are the backbone of street lighting, and their usage extends from providing adequate lighting to the beautification of urban spaces. Modern octagonal poles are sleek, elegant and aesthetic. They provide a low maintenance, long life solutions for street-lighting applications. Octagonal Poles are made with continuously tapered octagonal cross section (can be customized for other sided also) having one or more section. On top, it has a bracket to mount the luminary. These types of poles are used for Highway and Street Light , Hotel Entrance, Petrol Pump, Shopping Mall Entrance etc.  Before investing in Octagonal street lighting poles, choose a manufacturer which not only manufactures octagonal poles but also, other types of street lighting poles, like swaged poles, tubular poles and also highmasts . They have a detailed knowledge of the product and also they use highly automated machines for the quality and accuracy of the products.  Along with the u